How Would the TTIP Interact with WTO Law?

24 August 2017 - No category
How Would the TTIP Interact with WTO Law?

Henri Culot has published an article in ‘La Revue internationale de droit économique” called “Comment le TTIP s’articulerait-il avec le droit de l’OMC?” This article examines how the TTIP, if it comes into force, would interact with the rules of the WTO. The first section focuses on the relationship between the parties. It examines in particular the provisions of TTIP governing its relations with the WTO rules. We propose five categories, according to the goal of these provisions. This section then deals with the interactions between the dispute settlement mechanisms and describes how the TTIP regulates the choice of forum and how it takes inspiration from rules or debated issues in the WTO. The second section considers the question from the standpoint of third-parties, especially countries that have concluded a trade agreement with the United States and / or the EU.